
Hands on experiences are important!
Releasing a butterfly after watching it from a cocoon.
Biology lessons are particularly fun for this age group.
Yellow and red make…..ORANGE!!!!
Handwriting practice–I use reusable pages to reduce paper usage but we also occasionally send home samples of their handwriting.
Releasing Ladybugs–noting the different sizes and color shades
I love bringing STEM mini lessons in everywhere-this is a little lesson about magnets using Christmas bells.
St. Patrick’s Day–its important that children draw and cut and glue themselves. If they say “I can’t” I coax them along.
“Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus” crackers students made
It’s important children do most of it themselves–its OK if it doesn’t turn out perfect!
Crafts are the perfect activity to work on fine motor skills–cutting, coloring, gluing, all build up those fine muscles in those little fingers.

Where we work on skill building
Part of our outside play area